Name: Sue Finn
Age: I’ll be 60 in May (yikes)
How long have you been a member: I joined in 2010 and took a break to go to CrossFit Weddington for a bit, then came back “home”.
How I got started: I was trying to get into shape and was having trouble finding something that would keep me engaged. A friend suggested CrossFit, so I tried it and was hooked immediately.
Favorite movement: Deadlifts and Yoke Carries
Least favorite: Ring handstand pushups (while wearing a weight vest)… it’s just too easy!
Favorite healthy food: Grass-fed steak and burnt broccoli
Favorite part of CFSC: Coach Kyra($), who does personal training with me and comes up with great mods for classes. But also the community (the coaches and members); it really does feel like a family.
Something you don’t know: I broke both shoulders in 2012 and had them replaced (just the first step in my plan to become a bionic woman)
Words of wisdom for peeps new to CF: Jump in and give it a try. It’s fun and infinitely scalable for all.
Name: Steve Fowle
Age: 47
How long you have been a member: About 8 years, I think a couple of days less than Dave Herald.
How you got started: When I moved from Boston, I was looking for a new chiropractor and I needed to get in shape. So, when I found Brian the crossfitting chiropractor, I hit the jackpot.
Favorite CrossFit movement: Rowing and Wallballs
Least favorite CrossFit movement: Front and Back Squats
Favorite healthy food/meal: Avocado Pudding
Favorite part about CFSC: I love the social aspects of CFSC and being part of the community.
Something we don’t know about you: I grew up in the back woods of Maine without electricity or running water.
Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: Listen to the coaches—they know what they’re doing. Don’t get bummed out when you master a lift or movement: there is always something else to work on!