Name: Sara Ondrako
Age: 39
How long you have been a member at CFSC: 1 year
How you got started at CFSC: My hubby talked me into giving CrossFit a second chance after he joined and really enjoyed CFSC. We wanted to find a good fitness routine that we could participate in together. We both come from playing team sports and coached individual sports. With the right environment, this ended up being a great fit!
Favorite CrossFit movement: Do Whit’s flag football drills count? Toss-up between rope climbs and back squats.
Least favorite CrossFit movement: Overhead Squats. I totally lack the natural grace that comes with this movement – you guys make it look way too easy.
Favorite healthy food/meal: Fruit – all kinds!
Favorite part about CFSC: The people! The members and coaches really make the experience. Yes – it’s an obvious great choice from a health & fitness perspective but if it weren’t for the coaches and the members, I’d be back to boring workouts I didn’t really like, random classes, and random results.
Coming from someone with introverted tendencies, I more than appreciate a place where the egos are checked at the door & it’s truly a positive team environment where the coaches are looking out for your safety, (and even gracefully tolerate the days you just don’t have it in you and you meltdown anyway – thanks Burt 😉
Something we don’t know about you: If I had a second life I’d be a stunt woman.
Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: Anyone can do this. Anyone. It requires patience and realistic expectations, so just be cognizant of that. Rely on the coaches for balance – they will both push you when you need it and scale you back when you are pushing too hard.
Name: Mike Campbell
Age: 57
How long you have been a member at CFSC: 3 years
How you got started at CFSC: My wife Leilani was interested in joining and I told her I would join to support her. I was previously doing my own thing at the YMCA but really not seeing any improvement in my strength/body shape. We attended the “Couch to Crossfit” classes and I was hooked. Absolutely love this place!!
Favorite CrossFit movement: Squat clean – great total body workout in one movement.
Least favorite CrossFit movement: Overhead squat – limited right shoulder rotation makes this move tough for me.
Favorite healthy food/meal: Well this may sound funny but I am not a foodie and would skip eating if I could. But since I have to eat, it would be fettuccine alfredo with broccoli and sun-dried tomatoes. (Cheese pizza has been banned by Coach Buffy… don’t touch my alfredo!!).
Favorite part about CFSC: It’s one big family!! The coaches are great with encouraging you to push yourself and, at the same time, devise ways to scale each WOD to fit your level of fitness. The other members are very supportive and cheer you through the end of each WOD and never leave the platform until everyone has finished. Personally that means a lot to me.
Something we don’t know about you: I am celebrating 35 years of being a vegetarian (hmmm maybe that is why I am not a foodie J).
Also had right knee replacement 2 years ago and have made excellent progress thanks to the great coaches!! I can actually squat now!
Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: Check your ego at the door and just try it. It can be intimidating at first especially when you see how much weight some of the members can move. Just remember to start slow and continue to build; muscle growth and body composition change is a marathon and not a sprint. Thanks Coach Kyra and Coach Buffy for drilling that into my head, as it is a real struggle.