Members of Inspiration – January 2020

Name: Tyler Young
Age: 36
How long you have been a member at CFSC: 1 ¾ years

How you got started at CFSC: Had been doing crossfit elsewhere in Charlotte for about 2 years. Got a new job in Steele Creek and the location was perfect.

Favorite CrossFit movement: Snatch and RowingLeast favorite CrossFit movement: Burpees and Thrusters

Favorite healthy food/meal: Grilled chicken with rice and roasted vegetables

Favorite part about CFSC: Coaches that care and provide good feedback rather than just read the WOD and watch. Members that make me laugh and want to show up because their energy is always so positive and encouraging. A facility that has everything you need to be your best self.

Something we don’t know about you: I lived in Beijing for 8 months helping to start a new manufacturing plant for my previous job. It was an amazing experience. I even had time to explore and see so many awesome things.

Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: Don’t worry if it is confusing or intimidating at first. The movements are hard and all the terms are weird. Everyone gets lost at one point or another during a class or workout. The only way to get better is to show up consistently and give it your best effort when you are here!



Name: Tram Nguyen (Trom Win)
Age: 24
How long you have been a member at CFSC: 1 ½ years

How you got started at CFSC: Moved to Charlotte for a job and it was the closest one on the way to work.

Favorite CrossFit movement: Cleans

Least favorite CrossFit movement: Wallballs, anything machine related

Favorite healthy food/meal: Unlimited Korean BBQ

Favorite part about CFSC: Josh Hardin, James Nguyen, and the friends I’ve made.

Something we don’t know about you: James Nguyen almost scared me away from the gym.

Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: Try it, even if you’re scared. I made the mistake of coming early and watched the 8:00 a.m. Saturday Comp class and thought “Holy crap, I don’t belong here.” but decided that’ll be my goal one day to actually go to a comp class. And a year and a half later, still no where close… but closer than I was.