Name: Stephanie “Peep” Whiteley
Age: 32
How long you have been a member at CFSC: Coming up on 5 Years
How you got started at CFSC: I was going to Brian for chiropractic treatment and I was always curious about the sound of dropping barbells in the back. There were so many times I wanted to sign up but was too intimidated by it all. A friend of mine decided to join and invited me along. I realized it was not so scary and it has been one of the best decisions I have made.
Favorite CrossFit movement: Cleans, Overhead Squats
Least favorite CrossFit movement: Running/Rowing/Biking/Skiing
Favorite healthy food/meal: Grilled chicken, sweet potato and roasted veggies
Favorite part about CFSC: It doesn’t matter if you finish first or last you still have the same level of support from everyone around you. It is a place where you can go to celebrate even the smallest victories because each person knows how hard it took to get there!
Something we don’t know about you: I was a competitive dancer most of my life up through high school. After dance ended I never found a place where I could push myself and have the camaraderie that I had all those years. I think the reason I love this community so much is because I get to feel that again.
Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: Don’t let your fear stop you from trying! This is a community where you will be supported and celebrated no matter what level you are at. You will be surprised how much you can do just by trying. There is no excuse you can have that can’t be accommodated (trust me I have tried).
Name: Graham Hardy
Age: 43 years
How long you have been a member at CFSC: 6 Years
How you got started at CFSC: A previous member, Matthew Burkhard, hounded me at work for a year to try CFSC. After a doctor’s appointment and a sleep study I figured I needed to get my butt in gear.
Favorite CrossFit movement: Olympic Lifting, especially the snatch. However, I am always up for an overly aggressive split jerk with an empty bar.
Least favorite CrossFit movement: Burpees
Favorite healthy food/meal: Avocados
Favorite part about CFSC: First, all the great people, they help make the physical pain tolerable! Second, for one hour a day I get to act like a teenager and when Keith is around it is more like elementary school.
Something we don’t know about you: My youngest son has Down Syndrome and he helps bring balance to a fast-paced life.
Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: Get good at saying “Ok I’ll give it a try”!
- 1st Year
- Kyra: “you know the days we do strength cycles the WODs are shorter.” Me: “Ok I’ll give it a try”
- 2nd Year
- Burt: “you know it isn’t just strength that keeps you doing a pull up” Me: “Ok I’ll give it a try”
- Deuce: “I am going to start an Olympic Lifting course, interested?” Me: “Ok I’ll give it a try”
- 3rd Year
- Chuy: “Let’s start a barbell club on Fridays” Me: “Ok I’ll give it a try”
- Buffy: “Do you want to try out our first nutrition class” Me: “OK I’ll give it a try”
- Kyra: “The class on Sunday may help you get a rope climb” Me: “Ok I’ll give it a try”
- 4th Year
- Kyra: “Do you want to do on-ramp again to help train a new coach?” Me: “Ok I’ll give it a try”
- Burt: “Have you thought about practicing running?” Me: “Ok I’ll give it a try”
- 5th Year
- Kyra: “There is a new coach who I want to observe, do you want to practice handstands with him on Sunday?” Me: “Ok I’ll give it a try”
- Tiara: “Stop whining!” Me: “Ok I’ll give it a try”
- 6th Year
Brian: “Do you want to give me more money?” Me: “NO” : )