Name: Jeff Jones (57) & Jodi Jones (54)
How long you have been a member at CFSC: (Jeff) 2 years, 8 months, (Jodi) 2 years, 5 months
How you got started at CFSC:
(Jeff) We were relocating from Maryland and were looking for a new CrossFit home. Brian gave us a tour and a rundown of the programming. I was living in an Airbnb near my office in Center City and thought we would start at CFSC once the house was built. Jodi was still living in Maryland getting the old house ready to sell. Brian convinced me to start right away so I made 60-minute rush hour drive twice a week for the last evening class.
(Jodi) I chose our first gym in MD to start our crossfit experience and when Jeff moved to NC to start his new job he researched gyms for us to join. He liked CFSC and we met with Brian. I was a bit apprehensive that the gym was “too intense” for us, but said I would try it. I came to classes when I was in NC to check on the house we were building and I realized we could modify the workouts to make sure it was not more than we could handle. We really liked the coaches and the atmosphere of the gym.
Favorite CrossFit movement:
(Jodi) I like Toes to bar and squats. I could not do a squat when I first started, but one summer of coach Hailey working with me every class made me much better. I would like to go back to my old gym and show the coaches how much I have improved!
(Jeff) I don’t have a favorite CrossFit movement. It’s not how I think about CrossFit. There are movements I can do, some I am working on, and a bunch I cannot do. I do get a twisted sense of satisfaction from combo movements like a squat clean thruster. They do drain the life force from me but in a good way – like panting in a pool of sweat at the end of the WOD.
Least favorite CrossFit movement:
(Jodi) It used to be burpees, but over the years they have grown on me. Probably the least favorite now is overhead squats – simply because I have shoulder and neck issues, which are aggravated by the movement.
(Jeff) No least favorite either. There are a couple movements I’ve been working on for a while and have yet to master – double unders and overhead squats. Staying focused on mechanics and form, they will come along in time. I am playing the long game.
Favorite healthy food/meal:
(Jeff) We have a couple regular seafood meals that are super delicious. My favorite is “spice up your own fish” (aka broiled blackened fish) and steamed broccoli – sometimes a little béarnaise, sometimes with a little Jasmine rice. We created this recipe when the kids each wanted their fish seasoned differently. We have a bunch of different seasonings to choose from. Everyone has their own unique mix. Your sodium intake may vary…
(Jodi) This is an easy answer. Chicken and veggies on the grill. If I need a bit more substance I add a little Jasmine rice.
Favorite part about CFSC:
(Jodi) Definitely the community we have at the gym. We are all there to cheer each other on and keep each other motivated – and we love seeing the people in our 7 am class every day! I also love Kyra’s “You do You” Friday workouts.
(Jeff) I think the world of the coaches and other athletes. How can you not? We are all there to get better however we each define it. We witness the good days and the other days. Mixing in some verbal support, motivation, and maybe a fist bump.
Something we don’t know about you:
(Jeff) There is an artistic thread that runs through our family. We each have our own thing; mine is photography. I’ve been shooting since my early teens. Mostly nature photography and weirdness. You can check out some of my photos at or on Instagram at
(Jodi) I worked for Jos. A Bank Clothiers for 10 years and was in charge of inventory for 3 warehouses, 6 manufacturing plants and over 600 stores. I traveled to Haiti, Domincan Republic, Guatamala and Mexico annually for physical inventories over those 10 years. I was one of very few people who got to see the process of making Suits and dress clothes from the Fabric Mill to the cutting and sewing floors, loading the garments on trucks in another country to ship to the U.S warehouses and finally being shipped to stores or customers. It was by far my favorite job to date! I pretty much know all there is to know about men’s suits.
Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it:
(Jodi) Don’t let the abilities of the other people in the workout class dictate how much weight you use or how many reps you do. Your only competition each day is yourself. Push yourself to your limit, not to someone else’s. You CAN do this.
(Jeff) For the 50+ master athletes (or couch potatoes), research shows that we need to have a good balance of aerobic and strength-based exercise at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes to become or remain healthy. CrossFit is an ideal way to reach that target – and you can do that within a supportive community guided by expert coaching. One of the greatest strengths of CFSC is that you work with a group of coaches that each bring a unique perspective and approach to how they work with you. And, you will meet folks like me that will cheer you on and support you too.