It’s time to decide to take action and control of your life. Consistent action over time will lead to change.
That is the only way it’s done.
I’ve been hearing many people blame the year that was 2020 for their current woes.
“2021 will finally be my year!”
“Make 2021 your best year yet!”
Sadly, if you’re not going to change your behaviors and create new habits that lead to change, this year won’t be much different than years past.
Your words don’t matter nearly as much as your actions do, in making a change. You can positive “self talk” yourself all you want; but if you’re not going to change behaviors, you’ll be stuck in the same place. Again. Year after year.
Vision boards are made and the hype for greater health and wealth are at all-time highs each January.
The problem is that many say the same thing each year; “New Year, New Me”.
This year, I recommend that you stop making empty promises to yourself, and start creating habits to change your life. Little by little, day after day; keep moving forward. Progress will come.
Habits are important because they grow stronger and stronger as time goes one. After enough time and practice, habits can become automatic ingrained behaviors.
Do you want to have more patience? Do the things that require you to practice more patience.
Do you want to lose 20 pounds? Make healthier food choices and exercise more. Invest in a nutrition coach.
Do you want to exercise more? Stop going out for drinks with your friends after work and go to the gym.
Do you want to get out of debt? Do the things required to save more and spend less money.
Whatever it is that you want to do, you can start that NOW! It may take you years to reach that goal, and that’s alright!
Many of the top achievers, the ones that are currently doing the things that you want to do, started exactly where you are now. There is no reason why you can’t get there too, or even better!
The most important advice I have for you is to stop talking about it. Stop telling people what you want to do. Stop reading and researching on how to do it. And start DOING!