Thursday’s WOD 2-4-16

**Change of Schedule**
Sat. 2/6 class time moved to 11a @ Lake Wylie Elementary School track
Sun. 2/7- No open gym. GO PANTHERS!!!

Standing broad jump- 3 attempts. Must stick landing. *Post PR to whiteboard*

For time;
1k row (L3/L2), 750M (L1)
30 Thrusters (L3)135/95, (L2) 95/65, (L1) 65/35     
15 Muscle Ups (L3), 15 pull ups/15Dip (L2), 15 Ring Row/15 Hand release Push Ups (L1)

Endurance WOD
**Time for our every 3 month time trials. If you did this last time, bring your times to compare. If this is your first time doing these, we will be doing these every 3 months so you can track your progress. If you can’t make these WODs, see Tim or Lori to find a time when you can make it up.
Group warm up,
Run 5K