April Members of Inspiration

Name: Eric Knowles
Age: 31
How long you have been a member at CFSC: 1.5 years

How you got started at CFSC:  Crystal and I were going to Iron Tribe Fitness in Dilworth but moved to Ayrsley and the drive was just too far.  Brian let me try a few classes, and after trying all the other CrossFit gyms in the area, I knew that CFSC was definitely the one for us!

Favorite CrossFit movement:  Assault Bike, for some reason I am good at it.  I also really like cleans!

Least favorite CrossFit movement: Assault Bike, I think it destroys a bit of my soul every time I use it.  Also, I’m just bad at T2Bs, I do like 5 and then I am done.

Favorite healthy food/meal:
Weekday lunch: Instant Pot Adobo Chicken over Jasmine Rice, easy to prep and eat with great macros!
Weekend dinner: Sous Vide Alaskan Wild Caught Salmon, when done right it is like nothing else you have ever had, just melts in your mouth like butter!

Favorite part about CFSC: The gym is nice and the location is very convenient, but the best part is the community, especially the 5am crew!

Something we don’t know about you:  I grew up acting in a theater group and actually performed in a Broadway style musical in Myrtle Beach the summer between 8th and 9th grade.

Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: 
Interested in trying: Don’t wait, I hear so many people say that they “need to get in shape first to be able to do CrossFit.”  I wish I had started with CrossFit.  If you try to get started by yourself when you don’t know what you are doing, you are pretty much guaranteed to do it wrong.  The coaches here are going to make sure that doesn’t happen to you and are going to help you get started no matter where you are starting from!

Just getting started: Stick with it!  I would lie to you and say you won’t be as sore later on, but honestly you are just going to get a bit more used to it.  When you are just getting started it can be really easy be negative about all the things you can’t do.  You really need to focus on all the things you are starting to be able to do instead!  The first few months are amazing because you are going to see so much improvement in yourself, so enjoy each little victory as you progress!

Also, everyone here was new at some point, so don’t be embarrassed to ask for help or to have to scale something.  We are all here to make ourselves and each other better, not to judge others, and would love to be able to help a fellow athlete on their fitness journey!



Name: Crystal Knowles
Age: 30
How long you have been a member at CFSC: About a year and a half!

How you got started at CFSC: We moved to South Charlotte after living near uptown for a few years and attending a different gym. We knew we couldn’t drive 20 minutes to the gym every morning so we made the swap to CFSC! Leaving a gym you love is like breaking up with someone but I quickly made new friends and have never looked back!

Favorite CrossFit movement: HSPU! I’m not great at them but they’re my favorite!

Least favorite CrossFit movement: Anything involving Satan’s Tricycle AKA the Assault Bike. Thrusters are also gross.

Favorite healthy food/meal: Any type of chicken and rice. I could live off of chicken and rice, no problem!

Favorite part about CFSC: I know this gets said a lot but we’ve got such a great group of people at 5am. There have been plenty of mornings where my mental state would have been severely diminished if not for the shenanigans, jokes, and the beautiful people. They brighten my day!

Something we don’t know about you: I love the beach and I’ve easily seen every single episode of Friends at least 25+ times. No, I’m not sorry.

Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: Listen to your coach and don’t be afraid to try something new. DON’T wait!