Name: Rachel Tanis
Age: 43
How long you have been a member at CFSC: 8 years, minus an 18 month hiatus to another gym. Came to my senses and came back home in Jan 2023. 🙂
How you got started at CFSC: I had been doing CF for a little over a year at CF Harrisburg when we moved to Tega Cay. I tried a few other gyms but the others didn’t have the goofiness (or the level of coaching) I found at 6am.
Favorite CrossFit movement: Do I have to pick just one??? Most things barbell and gymnastics.
Least favorite CrossFit movement: HSPU. They’re just dumb.
Favorite healthy food/meal: Palmini with arrabiata meat sauce.
Favorite part about CFSC: Everyone says this, but it’s the community! Seriously, the way that I’ve seen and experienced the members rallying around one another in support has moved me to tears. <3
Something we don’t know about you: I despise the smell of patchouli. Can smell it a mile away.
Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: We all start somewhere, and EVERYONE has things they struggle with, despite what it may look like 🙂
Keep showing up and keep putting in the work. Gains/strength/new skills don’t happen overnight (at least not for most of us) but they do happen when you’re consistent!
Name: Tyrone “Ty” Harmon
Age: 43
How long you have been a member at CFSC: June 2019
How you got started at CFSC: A Father’s Day gift from my wife.
Favorite CrossFit movement: Squat Clean
Least favorite CrossFit movement: Pistols
Favorite healthy food/meal: Cedar Plank Salmon & Veggies
Favorite part about CFSC: I get 1-hour to yell, scream, and build metal/physical toughness with great people while listening to some “Get Right” music… ????
Something we don’t know about you: I was born in a small town called Yakima, Washington (in the Pacific Northwest)
Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: …suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope… Romans 5:3-4