Name: Christy Rossi
Age: 32
How long you have been a member at CFSC: 2 years
How you got started at CFSC: A few months after my family moved to Charlotte from Seattle I was bored with running and was struggling to find friends. One day I saw a fit girl on the side of the road in my neighborhood so I stopped it talk to her. It was Ann Maree! She told me about CFSC and the rest is history.
Favorite CrossFit movement: Running & handstands
Least favorite CrossFit movement: wallballs, burpees and DUs
Favorite healthy food/meal: sweet potatoes roasted with pumpkin pie spice and steak
Favorite part about CFSC: The community. There’s a social group for everyone here and better than that, there’s a support group for everyone. My best friends, business partners and supporters all started from CFSC. Icing on the cake is that my kids have some pretty kick ass role models in the other members.
Something we don’t know about you: I’m a member of the Half-Fanatics Club (no, I didn’t make that up) and I ran 12 half marathons the year before I joined CrossFit.
Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: Give it 21 days. In shape or not, the first month is going to hurt and you’ll probably want to give up. Go 21 times before you throw in the towel. I’m happy I did J Oh, and when you need new shirts for your banging body check out
Name: Josh Hardin
Age: 21
How long you have been a member at CFSC: 3 years
How you got started at CFSC: My friend Goku
Favorite CrossFit movement: muscle up
Least favorite CrossFit movement: thrusters
Favorite healthy food/meal: pizza… I’m allergic to vegetables, especially anything green
Favorite part about CFSC: the people
Something we don’t know about you: I’m a firefighter
Words of wisdom for people who are new to CrossFit or interested in trying it: Just start!
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