Many people are familiar with the term ROI or return on investment.
It’s commonly heard in business and finance circles. If you’re going to spend money on something as an investment, the ROI can be one of the measurements used to determine success.
A term that people are much less familiar with is COI or cost of inaction.
You can think of it in terms of an investment, “I was afraid to invest in this stock and if cost me $2000.”
The good news about money, is that no matter your age, the speed at which you can get more of it never changes.
The bad news about your health is that as you age, each year that you don’t work towards improving your health, wellness and fitness it gets more and more difficult to make progress.
The cost of inaction is very expensive.
However, the ROI on your health is endless. The consistency of eating better, exercise, sleeping better; the benefits compound over your lifetime. The sooner you start, the better.
The sooner you start investing in your health and wellness, the better the result.
Are you ready to;
-have more energy
-sleep better
-have more confidence
-have a slimmer waist
-have a more tone body
– do what you want, when you want
-have less sick days
-save money due to less doctor’s visits
-losing weight
If you answered “yes” to any of these, we should talk.
You don’t need to be frustrated and suffer from your costs of inaction any more.