When it comes to taking care of yourself, your fitness and nutrition, do you act like a light switch or a thermostat?
It’s important to treat this part of your life as a thermostat, not the switch.
Do you turn it off when life gets in the way (work, kids, family, etc)? You stop being active, start eating more fast food, enjoying too many sweets, increase alcohol consumption, etc.
Or do you choose to just turn it down a notch?
You can’t get to the gym as often as you want, but make it 2 days as opposed to 4? Fantastic!
Can you take a walk in your neighborhood to get in some exercise when you can’t make it to the gym? Perfect!
Can you order something healthy to pick up on the way home, as opposed to pizza?
Life is hectic, and exercise and eating well isn’t always going to be convenient.
However, continuing with your progress, even if it’s turned down a few notches (temporarily) is much greater accomplishment than stopping completely.
Once you stop the progress, it’s so difficult to get back on track.