Thursday’s WOD 3-17-16

**Change of schedule**
Sat. 3/19 Sat. classes will be at Lake Wylie Elementary school track @ 9a
Sun. 3/20 Open gym 5:30-6:30p, then yoga 6:30-7:30p
If you are signed up for the CF Open and need to do 16.4, you can do it Friday during class time if needed.
Group warm up
Skill: Broad jump- 3 attempts, must stick landing with both feet (Post PR’s to whiteboard)
400m Run
7 Front Squats
7 Muscle Ups
L2= 135/95, 7 C2B (or Chin Over the Bar) + 7 Ring Dips
L1= 75/55, 7 Ring Rows + 7 Push Ups
Group warm up
400m run
Rest 90 seconds
600m run
Rest 60 seconds
800m run
Rest 45 seconds
1 mile run
Rest 30 seconds
800m run
Rest 45 seconds
600m run
Rest 60 seconds
400m run