Results For Category: "Coach’s Corner"

The # 1 Thing Money Can’t Buy

You Can’t Buy Your Health There’s no shortage of businesses that tell you that they can sell you health. It’s a lie, yet millions fall…

Put On Your Oxygen Mask First

When we talk with people interested in starting an exercise program, they often have reasons why they can’t start, never started, or lacked consistency with…

An Open Letter To America

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The Top 4 Reason Your Nutrition Plan Has Failed

Following a proper nutrition plan is hard. In a world full of instant gratification, poor self-discipline and Instagram pictures of donuts; it’s no wonder most…

Why Is Your Gym So Expensive?

It is a question that some gym owners are asked on a daily basis; “Expensive” like hard, soft, cheap, hot, cold, etc. is a subjective…

Why “Rest” Is The Worst Advice From Your Doctor

According to the CDC, 1 in 5 people in the United States suffer from chronic pain. There is approximately another 70% of people, annually,  that…

Your New Gym

After this current pandemic, many people are finding themselves in one of two situations; You have concerns about returning to your previous gym due to…

Was Benjamin Franklin Correct?

If there’s one thing I will remain hopeful of as this pandemic passes, it’ll be that the world will start to take their health more…

Was That A Good Thing?

Was that a good thing? The Coronavirus? The Pandemic? The current circumstance? The next thing? They say, the only thing constant is change. With change…

What’s Next For Fitness?

What’s next with Fitness? This current crisis has turned the world upside down. It has ravaged most industries and will force some industries to make…