Results For Category: "WOD"

Wednesday’s WOD 5-18-16

4 rounds: 3min AMRAPS 2min rest in between rounds of: 400m Run (should be sub 2mins) Max reps Bodyweight Deadlifts L2- 75% bodyweight DL L1-…

Tuesday’s WOD 5-16-16

-Skill: Core 4 Rounds: 30 sec hollow hold 30 sec arch hold 30 sec plank 30 sec rest -5 Rounds: 12 Lunges (front or back…

Monday’s WOD 5-16-16

5 Rounds (1 Minute Rest in between rounds) 3min AMRAP 3 Power Snatches 115/80 5 Overhead Squats 7 Pullups L2- 95/65, jumping pullups L1- 75/45,…

Friday’s WOD 5-13-16

Group warm up Metcon: 5 RFT 400m run 25 Double Unders 15 Wall Balls 20/14 L2=25 DU attempts, 16/12 L1= 50 singles- 16/12

Thursday’s WOD 5-12-16

Strength: Snatch Complex with climbing load (1 hang snatch pull + 1 hang snatch + 1 ohs) Metcon: 21-15-9 Handstand Push Ups Jump Over The…

Wednesday’s WOD 5-11-16

Strength: Strict Pull Ups 3-3-3-3-3 Metcon: 12 AMRAP w/ 800m run buy in (clock starts on run) 5 Deadlifts 275/185 10 pull ups Afterbash: Group…

Tuesday’s WOD 5-10-16

Strength: Clean Complex with climbing load (1 hang clean pull + 1 hang clean + 1 Front Squat) Metcon: TABATA (8 rounds of ea. exercise)…

Monday’s WOD 5-9-16

Skill- Turkish Get Up Metcon: For Time 10,9,8,…, 2,1 Toes To Bar Ring Dips Burpees L2= Knees 2 Elbow,bar dips L1= Knees 2 Hips, dips…

Friday’s WOD 5-6-16

Group Warm-up Metcon: Partner “Angie-ish” 100 Pullups 100 Pushups 100 Situps 100 Squats 2000m Row L2- ring rows, box push-ups L1- 75 reps *Split reps…

Thursday’s WOD 5-5-16

Skill: Gymnastics 10min EOMOM warmup E- 15sec beat swings ( O- 45sec handstand hold (modify as needed) Metcon: 15-10-5 Deadlifts 315/225 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″…