Results For Category: "Coach’s Corner"

Top 3 Ways To Invest In Your Greatest Asset

If you haven’t realized by now, your greatest asset is your health. It’s not time and it’s not money. Neither of those can be appreciated…

Are You Working For The Weekend?

Whether you’re old enough to remember the old Loverboy song, “Working For The Weekend” or not, it’s a mentality that’s common. If you’re unfamiliar with…

The 1%-er

Albert Einstein said that compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. Throughout history, repetitive small improvements are the foundation of great achievements. You…

How To Stay Motivated

Pro-level athletes are not more motivated than you are. Olympic athletes don’t just “want it more.” These people are just like you. They have the…

How Exercise & Good Nutrition Can SAVE You Money

Whenever I’m talking with someone about their health, I find it helpful to look at it like an investment, not an expense. Buying a new…

Walking is NOT enough & running sucks!

In effort to lose weight, if you’re like most people, you have a gym membership but you don’t use it consistently. Or, You have equipment…

Who’s In Your Circle?

Are you happy? Are you where you want to be with your health? Are you where you want to be financially? Are you going through…

Why I Do What I Do

Earlier in the month I sat down with two different people for our complimentary intro session. No two people ever have the same story. It’s…

What’s Your Worst Nightmare?

When I was younger, it was the monster in my basement. It would only chase me when I would go up the stairs. So, every…

The Power of Habit Stacking

Changing your habits are hard. Most people never get started because the thought is overwhelming. Often, when people are trying to start a new healthy…